Today, content surrounds us, may it be in the form of physical billboards or digital content on our phones or televisions ranging from product placement in blockbuster movies to social media posts.
And because we are so accustomed to consuming content in these few forms, it’s extremely important to capture the attention of the customer and give them something that helps you stand out from all this noise.
To stand out in a world like this, you need to get creative with your content no matter what industry your company is in. And one tool that has proved to be an extremely effective in terms of giving an immersive experience to its consumers is 3D Projection mapping also known as 3D Building Projection.
It is shown to be an excellent option for any business that wants to spread its message in an interesting and impactful way.
And that is why Descon chose 3DI to help kickstart their 45 years anniversary celebration with a bang!!
The ceremony was graced by the founder Mr. Razak Dawood and the top leadership of Descon. The energy amplified the logo reveal for the 45th Anniversary making this a perfect way to get everyone hyped up for the following musical evening!
We were extremely ecstatic to have been able to give all the employees an immersive experience of the decades long journey of Descon towards becoming Pakistan’s leading engineering enterprise that has a significant national and global presence.